
Wedding Venue - The Do's and Don'ts You Missed Until Your Wedding Day

Nowadays, the future grooms and brides are eventually putting more effort on their own wedding parties, not only to bring a memorable experience for their guests but also to place a beautiful milestone in their own love story. Among many factors, the budget issue is always there and make a crucial impact to the creativity of the execution of each wedding. As an “experienced” consultant in one of the most famous Wedding Center, I would love to share below tips that almost restaurants barely want to reveal to their clients with hope to relief some of those concerns for the future wedding couples when dealing with wedding venues.

There are many concerns when choosing the right venue for your wedding. - Pinterest
There are many concerns when choosing the right venue for your wedding.

DO choose the most suitable restaurant, NOT the most famous one

Well-known restaurants is often pricey but hard to find availability on your date (except you contact them a year before), you also face difficulty when seeking for flexibility. A restaurant is considered as suitable when it could at least adapts 2 criterias out of the following: reasonable price range and good value of promotion, great location (close distance between groom - bride’s and guests’ house with no traffic jam, parking lot near the ballroom…), Ballroom’s construction and decoration can get along with your party theme, flexible policy for deposit and payment…

DO avoid the peak season, DON’T attempt for the best day of the year

Try your best to get rid of the wedding season which takes place from end of August until few days before new year of Lunar calendar. I can list down plenty of reasons: expensive package but less promotion, high cost of supply due to high demand, limit of setup and tear-down time, lack of care from venue’s consultants and servicers (not on their purpose but because they are too busy for many events at the same time). Moreover, some of your guests potentially will only send lucky money because they are too tired after attending many weddings in the same period… Therefore, you can avoid all above head-ache when choosing a date in the low season, by doing that, you are actually saving money but still pampered as a queen.

Classic traditional wedding reception in the Chrysler Museum of Art - Pinterest
Classic traditional wedding reception in the Chrysler Museum of Art

DO read the proposal and contract with care, DON’T just sign at a glance.

You are recommended to read carefully the package offered by the venue, ask questions until thoroughly understand and make sure that you can use all inclusions of the offer. After being consulted by the venue’s sales as well as your wedding planner, you can firmly ask the venue to take out any items that you don’t need (or are already taken care by your wedding planner) and request to reduce the total price. And finally, don’t forget to put every agreement into “black and white” to avoid any later dispute before sign it.

DO NOT skip the menu tasting, DO give notice for any special requests

I understand that you will be super busy for hundred workload, but despite that you have chosen the best restaurant with decent menu options and great culinary team, they will never know you and your preference if you don’t take advantage of the food tasting, so that they know you better and satisfy you later. Also please remember to provide any information you have about the dietary requirement from any family members or guests to the crew, it will be very helpful for their preparation and prevent last minute request during the event that might badly affect to your beloved one’s experience.

Spend time to take the menu tasting. - Pinterest
Spend time to take the menu tasting.

DO empower, DON’T carry everything on your shoulders

After all ups and downs during the preparation, you deserve to enjoy your happy day to the most. Hence, you need to ask favor from your trusted person, he or she could be a family member or relative, your best friend or even your wedding planner to coordinate with the restaurant on the date. Never let yourself be the only person to contact, you will be drown among tons of questions from your guests and restaurants staffs, such as what time to serve beverage, what time to serve appetizer, the music is too loud, where is my vegetarian food… Your representative truly cares about you and will do their best to help you deal with those issues. My advice is to organize a pre-con meeting 1-2 days before, involve your representative and go through all agreements with the restaurants so both sides will get familiar with the process and be ready for the smoothest collaboration.

Wedding photo - by freepic.diller

Last but not least, the delivery of this topic to our future grooms & brides, the party is yours and most importantly is your happiness. Don’t search for perfection, you are engaged to decide because only you know what is best for yourself.

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